How Cloud Computing Is Used In Software Development

Cloud computing offers more than a few benefits in software development – such as access to abundant storage, large databases, and computing power. That too without you needing to purchase and/or maintain physical hardware.

And, not to mention, the cost savings from cloud computing add up and save you a fortune. Ahead, we will discuss this and more, and assess how cloud computing impacts software development.

What is Cloud Computing In The Context Of Software Development?

Cloud Computing In The Context Of Software Development when you use cloud-based services to develop, deploy, and manage software applications.

Some of the cloud services are already mentioned above, but the primary benefit of using the cloud is that it frees up developers’ time from worrying about the underlying infrastructure so they can focus entirely on building their innovative applications.

How Is Cloud Computing Used In Software Development?

The best thing about the cloud is that it can give you access to an entire workstation virtually, which is called a virtual machine (or VM), or a part of it based on your requirement. This has a major advantage for the consumers, i.e., you.

For now, here are some cloud-based services and how they are used for software development:

1.     Storage

As mentioned before, the cloud can give you access to a part of a workstation. So, with access to cloud-based storage, you can store code, data, and other assets in the cloud (you might be familiar with Google Drive).

This frees up the storage on your local machine and gives you access to much more than your hardware is capable of.

2.     Databases

Similarly, with cloud-based storage, you can also access databases stored on the cloud. These databases can be open-source, or you can collab with other developers.

Collecting data is a difficult, long, and tedious process, which is also very susceptible to errors. So, with access to databases developed already, you can skip this arduous and very lengthy process.

3.     Computing Power

Buying powerful hardware that can deliver you lots of computing power requires a very large investment. After that, you will need to properly maintain them and make sure they don’t overheat. And even then, the power is wasted all the time it isn’t underused.

With cloud computing, you get access to exactly as much computing power as you need. And you will only be charged for the time you use the service.

With access to potentially unlimited computing power, you can run complex simulations, train machine learning models, render detailed graphics, and much more.

4.     Testing

With cloud-based testing services, you can test your applications before they are deployed. This can be:

  • Load Testing – to test performance under expected or unexpected volume of traffic.
  • Performance Testing – to ensure the application performs according to requirements.
  • Compatibility Testing – to test applications on different OS, browsers, and devices.

5.     Deployment

Finally, with cloud computing, you can deploy your applications to production, manage, and issue updates accordingly. 3 modes of deployment are typically used, which are:

  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) – IaaS providers offer VMs to deploy applications. Useful when you need a lot of resources such as large databases or applications.
  • Platform as a Service (PaaS) – it is useful for mobile apps or web applications.
  • Software as a Service (SaaS) – for applications that can be accessible from anywhere (from the internet), such as customer relationship management (CRM) applications or collaboration tools.

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Cloud Computing offers numerous advantages; the prominent and one of the most exciting features is its pay-as-you-go model – which charges you exactly for the services you use and for the time you use them.

However, there are many more features that go further beyond than just cost savings. It gives you access to limitless computing power to run the most complex of complications. Additionally, you can store data or gain access to as much as you need.

Cloud Computing acts like a rocket fuel to the jet engine which is software development. It impacts software development greatly and makes it nothing less than an inherent feature.

The article was written in cooperation with the experts of SoftKraft – API Development Services


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